Are you in trouble to manage a system, develop a new Web site, activate a YouTube channel, make a video? Here is your "Lifebuoy".

System Engineer & Web Developer.
You put the immagination and / or the idea, I'll follow all the technical part to transform it into a Web site or YouTube channel.
- Birthday: 1 giugno 1963
- LinkedIn: fabiosaitta
- Mail: fabio@saitta.it
- City: Trieste, IT
- High School: 60/60
- Computer Science's Master: 110/110 with laude
- Certification: ITIL V3
- Freelance: Available
System assistance, Data recovery, Computer repair, Operating system recovery.
Local networks, ADSL modem, Firewall, Linux: configurations from the simplest to the most complex.
Consulting, data management, application development and dynamic Internet Web sites.
Cloud Hosting, Domain Registration, Support for all paperwork.
IT consulting and development of applications and websites. Sole proprietorship with VAT number for 14 years: supported clients such as Fincantieri, Banca di Credito di Trieste, Insiel spa, SGS Italia spa.
Happy customers
Support time hours
Working years
In 41 years I have followed the most varied projects: from optimizing the Postscript printing of a metal label, to creating a graphics card with elements and details for the maintenance of Italian Navy's ships on the IBM 8514 video card, or interfacing of a banking system for the first internet banking
Multidisciplinary skills ranging from Web development, Systems Management, Networking, Security, Videoconferencing, Telephone exchanges and Voice over IP.
Fabio Saitta
Application development and WEB sites, Systems Management, Networking, Security. 40 years of experience in the IT field
- Trieste, Italia
- fabio@saitta.it
Scientific Lyceum, high School degree 60/60
1977 - 1982
Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei, Trieste
Master Degree in Information Sciences 110/110 con Lode
Thesis, "SNA: a rules-based expert system for the interpretation of seismic signals"
1982 - 1987
Università degli Studi di Udine
Master Degree in Computer Science Class XXIII/s 110/110 con Lode
Università degli Studi di Udine
Professional experiences
Sole proprietorship with VAT number
1999 - 2013
Nuova Banca di Credito di Trieste
- Remaking of telecommunication network with Cisco 4000 and 2504 routers, connection of branches to headquarters dedicated lines at 64Kbs and backup on ISDN
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for title management on Unix platform, IPX for connecting 14 Novell servers Netware 4.10 and Novell server for SAA gateway AS / 400, SNA for ATM connection with AS / 400 of site with SDLC tunneling
- Local Token Ring network connection of the Headquarters with that of the Trieste plant by means of routers IBM 2210 via on demand routing over ISDN
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for connection of NT servers, SNA for connection with AS / 400 of the office via DSLW bridging
Azienda Comunale Elettricità Gas Acqua di Trieste
- Local Token Ring network connection of the Headquarters with the Ethernet network of the production plant in Trieste via IBM 2210 routers via dedicated 2 Mbps line and ISDN backup. Arrangement of routing between IBM and Cisco equipment
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for connection of NT servers, SNA for connection with ES / 9000 of the office via DSLW bridging
Azienda Consorziale Trasporti di Trieste
- Local Ethernet connection of the Headquarters with that of another office through IBM 2210 routers via dedicated line 64 Kbps. Integration with ACEGAS geographic network. produced material that I presented whilst teaching TCP / IP and IBM SNA networking, for all employees of the ACT technical sector
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for connection of NT servers, SNA for connection with ACEGAS ES900 via DSLW bridging
Connection between Tergestea and Illy Caffè
- Local Ethernet connection between Tergestea and Illy by means of CISCO 2503 routers via ISDN
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for connection of NT servers, SNA for connection with AS / 400 via bridging DSLW
Local network project of the Mountain Community of the Natisone Valleys
- Project for structured cabling with category 5 cables to integrate voice and a Fast Ethernet network, supervision of work execution, training activities for network administrators and users, analysis of security problems for Internet connection, and analysis for the creation of a website of the Mountain Community of the Natisone Valleys
- Managed protocols: TCP / IP for connecting NT servers
- Linux NAT and masquerade firewall, connection via VPN on HDSL at the Milan branch and AS / 400 support in Padua
Gruppo di Geomorfologia, Geologia Applicata e Cartografia Informatica
- Linux Firewall configuration for ORACLE 9i Map Database connection
- Creation of a WEB application in ASP mode for searching and booking around 5500 volumes
SAI Udine
- Creation of Content Management System for the insertion of News and Products via WEB
AXON Group
- Creation of a WEB application in ASP mode for database research and management. Funding available for companies
- Creation of a WEB application in ASP mode for the E-commerce management of a coffee portal
SGS Italia
- Realization of Client Server application for customs management of Punto Franco Trieste warehouses. Management warehousing, data transmission of customer orders, preparation of lists and delivery notes for daily movements, customs formalities lists and chronological batches and movements
Alliance Française Trieste
- Realization of membership and registration management with WEB application based on ATK 5.6 framework (Php, Mysql, Apache) Creation of Content Management System for inserting News and Courses via WEB based on Symfony framework (Php, Mysql, Apache)
- Production of E-Commerce of clothing with Paypal integration developed with Symfony framework
- Creation of Content Management System for entering inspection results with granular access rights management based on Symfony framework
- Realization of E-Commerce of personal care skin products based on Symfony framework
Frutta e verdura da Roccia
- Creation of Content Management System for inserting news about fruit and vegetables based on Symfony framework
International Half Marathon’s CUP
- Creation of Content Management System for entering news of circuit races results and compilation automatic rankings in PDF mode
A.S.D Evinrude
- Creation of Content Management System for entering news of tenders and results of tenders with management e-commerce for registration and payment for the Koper Muggia marathon
- Creation of Content Management System for inserting news, sophisticated E-commerce products with purchasing management via web and through the sales force, integration with warehouse and company accounting for data transfer
"MFFT4: Four-Dimensional Vectorized FFT"
published on Computer Physics Communications
"Automatic interpretation of network seismograms by means of artificial intelligence techniques"
presented at the XIII European congress of the European Geophisical Society
"Artificial intelligence techiques in seismic signal interpretation"
published on International Geophysical Journal
2007 Exin Utrecht, Olanda
Work experiences
Funzionario Business
2005 - Oggi
Generali Shared Services, Trieste, IT
- Management of Polycom and Cisco video conferencing systems for Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Belgium with over 300 endpoints
- Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 management with Avaya telephone exchange and SBC integration
- Activation and configuration and management of the moving of 2500 users at Generali Tower Milan
- Activation of the Dialin audio conferencing system on Microsoft Skype for Business with the capability of being called in 50 foreign countries
- Configuration of 5 Avaya VOIP telephone exchanges to support over 8000 users in Italy
- Genertel Call Center activation on Genesys platform
ICT Manager Trieste
2003 - 2005
Banca Generali, Trieste, IT
- Design and construction of the Trading Bank infrastructure with SIA's GAM and WIN-GL
- Software development for interfacing between the Legacy system and Internet Home Banking. This application, developed in C, communicates via a database with dynamic ASP pages on IIS4.0 and allows customers to query their current or securities deposit accounts
- The programming of the traditional PABX telephone part and the ACD part relating to the Call Center with the management of groups of operators and related Skills
- The implementation of all recording of the auto responder
Impiegato 6 livello
1996 - 2003
Assicurazioni Generali, Trieste, IT
- I developed Delphi and Oracle DB applications for Genertel
- I participated in the start-up of the Virtual Bank (without branches) of Assicurazioni Generali
Systems Engineer
1993 - 1996
CreditData, Trieste, IT
- I subsequently worked for CreditData, a company founded by the Banca di Credito di Trieste and the Banca Agricola di Gorizia to manage data processing problems within the bank
- During these two years I had the opportunity to attend to a series of courses at IBM regarding the AS / 400. I have explored the problems of networking and telecommunication by attending to courses for management and administration of Novell Netware 4.10 networks
- Within CreditData I have dedicated myself to the design and implementation of the local network multi-protocol geographical area (Novell Netware, TCP / IP Unix, SNA IBM) installed at the Credit Bank of Trieste
- I have also followed integration problems by developing a platform for the exchange of information between the Integrated Treasury and Reuters Dealing 2000 which manages the purchase transactions and sale of currencies between banks
- The Credit Bank and Credit Data were among the most active companies in the inclusion of information and services banking on the Internet in Italy. In this context I developed the CGI programs that allowed live Internet counting of the 1996 elections at the Prefecture of Trieste
- I also created the CGI programs for the Internet questionnaire that the Credit Bank proposed in collaboration with the University of Palermo. There were over 4500 responses from Internet users
Systems Engineer
1988 - 1993
IBM Italia, filiale di Trieste, IT
- I first worked as a system administrator, before beeing assigned to the department that followed the University and Research , and subsequently to the Territorial and Health Authorities
- During my stay at IBM I attended a wide range of refresher courses relating to SNA and telecommunication, UNIX, C programming, graphics and X-windows, VM / CMS installation, generation and system management. I attended the AIX on FOCUS (European technical refresher course) at the IBM center in La Hulpe
- Within the company, I deepened my knowledge of the MAINFRAME world, VM operating system, in SNA telecommunications and local networks. For my previous knowledge of the UNIX system, I specialized in workstations, first the IBM 6150 and then the IBM RISC 6000 Powerstation
- Since 1988 I have integrated some universities or university departments of the North East in the BITNET network of IBM created to manage the communication between the main research institutes, later merged into Internet. For example, the IBM 9370 and 3090 systems present in the CA-Foscari University in Venice, University of Trento, Experimental Geophysical Observatory in Trieste and the IBM 6150 and RISC 6000 systems in the Department of Physics in Padua and in the Department of Electronic Engineering in Trieste have been linked to others such as DIGITAL, PRIME, HP, SUN thanks to the TCP / IP protocol
- In 1991 I was selected above all other Italian employees to conduct a test work on the new system operational of RISC 6000. I worked for 2 months in the laboratories of IBM in AUSTIN (Texas, United States)
- After this experience in the United States I was called to the Education Center of LA HULPE (Brussels, Belgium) to hold courses for European colleagues
- In 1993 I was in charge of systems engineering for UNIX clients in the Triveneto and Emilia Romagna regions
Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale, Trieste, IT
- I worked at the Seismic section of the Experimental Geophysical Observatory of Trieste, as a result of my assignment ranking first of 6 scholarships. My assignment was to develop graphic software and numerical filters, in a VM / CMS environment on an IBM 3090 computer, using FORTRAN e GKS.
1986 - 1988
Infordata srl, Trieste, IT
- I worked as an RPG programmer on the IBM S / 36 system, then as a UNIX systems engineer and programmer of Firmware for microprocessors
- I followed several projects including managing the display and keyboard of an industrial wrapping machine using a Hitachi microcontroller
- Within the company I have developed my knowledge on the UNIX operating system, the language of C programming and assembler for applications on microprocessors and VME systems, and UNIFY, database relational in UNIX environment
The development of WEB applications is based on PHP and Mysql to create dynamic pages with the most popular platforms such as Wordpress, Symphony, Laravel or Yii. Use of free templates or templates to be purchased per site, which can also be viewed correctly on mobile phones. Here are some made:
- All
- Php
- Responsive
- Web
Personalized assistance, data recovery, assembly and installation of Windows systems, development of dynamic WEB sites, domain registrations and management of paperwork.
YouTube channel Creation
Video creation and YouTube channel upload support. Support for marketing actions for YouTube campaigns.
Creation E-commerce websites
Creation of dynamic E-commerce sites with visualization both on computers and mobile phones
WEB application development
Development of static or dynamic WEB applications with visualization also on mobile phones.
Possibility of meeting at Sos Computer with whom I have been collaborating for 10 years at Trieste